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Lectin-Light Chicken Feed

Finally, you can feed your chickens a diet made from ingredients you’d feel good about eating yourself!

Why Lectin-Light Layer Feed?

Do you raise your own fresh eggs? What you feed your hens is crucial, as it directly impacts the quality of their eggs. Standard lectin-rich feeds, which contain ingredients like corn, soy, and wheat, also carry over into the meat and eggs produced by those chickens. As Dr. Gundry says, 'You are what you eat and what the thing you are eating, ate.' Traditional chicken feeds packed with grains like corn, wheat, and soy are high in lectins. Even corn-free and soy-free options often replace these with other lectin-heavy ingredients such as peanuts, peas, and sunflower seeds.

They said it was impossible— 'You can't raise chickens without grains.'  But with the help of an industry-leading nutritionist, we’ve developed the first Lectin-Light Chicken feed to help your hens lay beautiful, healthy eggs. These eggs are low in lectins and high in Omega-3 fatty acids, so you can finally enjoy eating eggs again with confidence!

We are in the process of obtaining the proper licensing to sell our chicken feed. This is not a small task as registration varies for each state and must be submitted in each state separately.  Please use the Feed Inquiry Form below if you are interested in learning more about purchasing our Feed.

What we leave out...

1 Lectin-Heavy Grains

We leave out all the typical grains and legumes used in chicken feeds like Corn, Wheat, Soy, Rice, Peanuts, Oats, Barley, Peas, Lentils, etc...

2 Chemicals

We leave out the Chemicals that usually come along for the ride. We use only Certified Organic and Wild Caught ingredients where possible. In fact, our feed contains over 98% Certified Organic ingredients.

3 Vegetable Oils

We leave out the typical PUFA oils used in chicken feeds like vegetable oil and sunflower oil. Instead, we use Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

What we put in...

We’ve carefully selected the best ingredients to create our Lectin-Light Chicken feed. Below are the main ingredients we use. Whether you're enjoying the chicken or the eggs, you can feel confident knowing your poultry has been fed the highest quality feed available.


Milo is a cereal grain derived from the sorghum plant, known for its rich nutritional profile, including protein, fiber, and vitamins. It is naturally gluten-free and low in fat. We use Certified Organic Milo grown locally here in Texas for its quality and health benefits.


Millet is a small grain from the grass family that has been shown to help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. We use Certified Organic Millet grown in Colorado for its quality and nutritional benefits.

Hemp Seed Meal

This superfood is a complete source of protein, providing all nine essential amino acids. Hemp seeds are also an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, including ALA.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

We avoid PUFA oils and have carefully selected Extra Virgin Olive Oil as our primary fat source. Like all our ingredients, we use only Certified Organic olive oil to ensure the highest quality.

Wild Caught Fish & Crab meal

Another valuable source of protein and Omega-3s in our feed comes from fish and crustacean meal. We use wild-caught sardines, which are a much healthier option than farm-raised fish. Sardines are rich in Omega-3s and contain the lowest amount of mercury of any fish.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids

We’re proud to use Fertrell’s Nutri-Balancer in our feed, providing essential probiotics, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, we include a carefully selected blend of minerals and essential amino acids to support the health and vitality of our poultry.

Feed Inquiry Form